24 January 2025
By Jepsen - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14849664
Day 82 December 2019 in Uganda ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

Arrived in Kampala for a pit stop en route to Rwanda to view mountain gorillas in the forest. It is the capital and largest city of Uganda. The city proper was estimated to have a population of 1,680,800 people on 31st July 2019. It is reported to be among the fastest growing cities in Africa, with an annual population growth rate of 4.03 percent,[8] by City Mayors. Kampala has been ranked the best city to live in East Africa, ahead of Nairobi and Kigali, by Mercer, a global development consulting agency based in New York City.

Unfortunately, it was dark as we arrived but the vibrancy of the city was unmistakable. There was great energy all around. We passed by some food markets and the smell of cooking food was mouth-watering. I got a sense of a very alive confident city.

We stopped off to but provisions for the next few days and, as always, I got great pleasure from sering things I have never seen before or familiar brands in Swaheli language. I was surprised by the number of expats around.

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