Muscat Natural History Museum

Spent an enjoyable hour here with John from Canada. We walked there from the hotel, 45mins in the hot noonday sun when only mad fods and Englishmen venture out. And a slightly pink Irishman and Canadian.
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The museum was well laid out and informative. Here’s some info from Wikipedia:
The Natural History Museum of Oman is a natural history museum, located at the Ministry of Heritage and Culture complex, Al Khuwair, opposite the Zawawi Mosque in Muscat, Oman.
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The museum opened on 20 December 1985, and has detailed coverage of Oman’s flora and fauna, with displays on indigenous mammals, insects, and birds and botanical gardens. One of the highlights of the museum is the whale hall: it houses the huge skeleton of a sperm whale, which was washed up on the Omani coastline in the 1986. The museum contains marine and animal fossils and ancient mammals such as monkeys and elephants primitive, teeth Deinotherium and Gomphotherium, and stuffed animals: Arabian leopard. Caracal. Arabian Oryx. Arabian wolf. Arab Red fox. Ghazal skeleton Arabic. Ibex Arabic. Flamengo. Birds. Crow. Owl. Reptiles. Snakes’ lizards. Snails and shells.