14 February 2025
Day 2317 December 2019 in Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

Up at 5 for 5:30am breakfast and 6pm departure for Ngorongoro crater and conversation area. This felt like the real start of the Africa trip and something I had dreamt about for years. We were now entering the real heart of Africa where wild animals rules and we humans were guests. We would be here for the next few days. This was the highlight of the trip to date.

One thing though. There was so much to do and see and we were so engaged in this that I really didn’t have time to write much at all about the experience. I write this blog for my own amusement so I can look back in a few years and re-remember some of the amazing places I saw. I don’t imagine anybody else would read thesev scribbles and my photos are really just snaps. But, I love doing it and, at my age, I take my pleasure where I can get it!

This page will consist of mainly photos. Or should I say, snaps. You can click on an image to enlarge.

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