24 January 2025
Day 6427 January 2020 in Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

Arrive at our campsite for the night at around 3pm. The site is stunning, very stark, mountainous and desert-like. It is boiling hot, must be 40° but there’s a strong cool wing blowing and the humidity is very low. This makes it bearable; indeed pleasant, especially in the shade.

(Please click on the image above to enlarge the whole gallery)

Spitzkoppe Rock formations are known as the Matterhorn of Namibia. The Spitzkoppe is part of the Erongo Mountain range and was formed over 100 million years ago after the collapse of a gigantic volcano. The scenery is striking from every angle – even more stunning as the granite massifs turn red at sunset.

You’d never think life would find a foothold here as the place looks so barren, but it does. The are lots of thorny shrubs around and signs of different animal droppings. One of our guys saw a rock hyrix, a sort of big guineapig. There are also birds.

(Please click on the image above to enlarge the whole gallery)

I surprise myself by clambring up some of the steep rock formations to get a view of the area although my sandals don’t have much traction. I was fine though. The view is great. Getting down is a bit trickier so I borrow another guy’s sandals.

Dinner is a barbecue or braii, as it’s known in these parts. The meat is from various game animals such as oryx, zebra, kudu, antelope etc. Not sure how I feel about this but when in Rome etc etc

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