24 January 2025
Day 6629 January 2020 in Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

Went for 4hr trip with a very experienced bushman in 4WD jeep to view the smaller animals here in Namibia 🇳🇦 . The guide, driver was a very impressive guy. He was a sort of person I have met here several times in Africa; someone who works with animals or conservation who is completely dedicated to the outdoor life and has a huge love of the wildlife of Africa.

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It was amazing to see him suddenly bring the jeep to a sudden stop and dart into the sand dunes to unearth something or show us something we would never see. He searched for and unearthed an elusive lizard which lives and travels under the surface of the sand. It was intriguing to witness his bushcraft. He was also very concerned about the wellbeing of these desert critters and

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We also found a snake hidden so well that we almost walked on it. Just the tip of it’s nose was peering above the surface of the sand

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We saw a cute as a button chameleon and our guide even had some mealworms in a jar in his pocket to feed it. He said that people drive from South Africa to collect these creatures to use as pets. Consequently, they are now an endangered species in Namibia.

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